


Comming back to the Times of first Walon people, crossing the mountains searching for the treasures and precious rocks, Wysoki Kamien (Tall Stone) was the reference point in the region and the source of countless legends.
At the beginning of XIX century, the time of tourism development in Sudety Monutains, the peak was often visited by the wayfarers and patients of the health resort in Swieradow Zdroj.
In 1837 the Schaffgotsch family from Swieradow Zdroj, being the owners of the region back in that period, has built the wooden hostel on the Wysoki Kamien Peak. (The twin hostel has been built on the Sniezne Kotly (Snow Basin)). The hostel was being rented and the landlords changed every few years.
In 1841 even the prussian king ? Friderik Wilhelm IV visited the place.
To make the spot more attractive, a spectator tower was built in 1875.
During the autumn 1882 the hostel was set into fire, and burnt completely.
The same year it was renovated, enlarged and modernized with the passing years.
After the II World War the hostel was robbed and devastated several times.
With the following years it was totally ruined and close to dilapidate.
In 1963 the entire hostel was destroyed, leaving only the debris after the Schaffgotsch ivestment.
Through many years the land was not owned by anyone. It became a common place for everybody, making a totall mess from this wonderfull spot.
In 1996 it was put up for an auction. The Golba’s family from Szklarska Poreba has bought the place. That was the time of the long, hard work for them. The land finally became the place from its bright times, the route has been improved, first a small wooden cottage and than a new hostel have been built.

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